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Last updated for version: 0.1.23

Direct Compilation

Pyxie can now compile (directly) any file that matches pyxie's current subset of python. For example if the example program below was called demo.pyxie, you could do this:

$ pyxie compile demo.pyxie
$ ./demo

The first line would compile "demo.pyxie" to C++, then compile the C++, rename the result "demo" and clean up after itself.

Python programs that target arduino can also be compiled directly on the commandline:

$ pyxie --profile arduino compile tests/progs/arduino-for-blink.pyxie
$ ls tests/progs/arduino-for-blink.hex

In order to do this, you need the arduino tool chain installed, along with commandline tools, but the easiest way of doing this is to do this:

sudo apt-get install arduino-mk

Example program that lexes, parses, analyses & compiles

Clearly a single example doesn't tell you everything. This gives you a flavour.

age = 10
new_age = 10 +1
new_age_too = age + 1
new_age_three = age + new_age_too
foo = "Hello"
bar = "World"
foobar = foo + bar

print(age, new_age, new_age_too)
print(foo, bar, foobar)

countdown = 2147483647
while countdown:
    countdown = countdown - 1

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int age;
    string bar;
    int countdown;
    string foo;
    string foobar;
    int new_age;
    int new_age_three;
    int new_age_too;

    age = 10;
    new_age = (10+1);
    new_age_too = (age+1);
    new_age_three = (age+new_age_too);
    foo = "Hello";
    bar = "World";
    foobar = (foo+bar);
    cout << ((10-1)-2) << " " << 7 << endl;
    cout << ((1+((2*3)*4))-(5/7)) << " " << 25 << endl;
    cout << age << " " << new_age << " " << new_age_too << endl;
    cout << foo << " " << bar << " " << foobar << endl;
    countdown = 2147483647;
    cout << "COUNTING DOWN" << endl;
    while(countdown) {
        countdown = (countdown-1);
    cout << "BLASTOFF" << endl;
    return 0;

Supported language features that are not in this example

Note: for this to compile, this needs simple type inference. We need to be able to derive the types of foobar and new_age_three. In the case of new_age_three, that needs to be derived in the context of another variable that has to be derived from another one.

The same techniques are used to derive types in "for statement" loop iterators.

Function Calls

Function calls are supported. At present they are treated as having a value type of "None". They should be treated as statements not as expressions. However the compiler passes through function calls to the backend, assuming the backend will understand the function call.

Grammar wise though, they're things in expressions.

C++ Libraries

Additionally, you can pull C++ libraries in standard locations by simply incuding them -- for example:

#include <Arduino.h>

This is ignored by the python parsing because it's a comment, and so I've chosen to capture such #include lines, and pass them through to the C++ side. This naturally enables a wide selection of functionality to start making Pyxie useful.

Bare Minimum Support

Now supports control structures, key statements

Key expression support:

This means we can almost start writing useful programs, but in particular can start creating simplistic benchmarks for measuring run speed.

High Level things missing

Language related

From a high level the key things I view as missing are support for:

There is obviously more missing, but these are the high level issues with pyxie's implementation of language at present.

Profile related

Grammar Currently Supported

Clearly we're not going to implement the full language spec in one go, so this documents the current version of the grammar that is supported. Parsing does not necessarily imply code generation, differences will be noted below.

program : statements
statements : statement
           | statement statements

statement_block : INDENT statements DEDENT

statement : assignment_statement
          | general_expression
          | EOL
          | while_statement
          | break_statement
          | continue_statement
          | pass_statement
          | if_statement
          | for_statement

assignment_statement : IDENTIFIER ASSIGN general_expression # ASSIGN is currently limited to "="

while_statement : WHILE general_expression COLON EOL statement_block

break_statement : BREAK

pass_statement : PASS

continue_statement : CONTINUE

if_statement : IF general_expression COLON EOL statement_block
             | IF general_expression COLON EOL statement_block extended_if_clauses

extended_if_clauses : else_clause
                    | elif_clause

else_clause : ELSE COLON EOL statement_block

elif_clause : ELIF general_expression COLON EOL statement_block
            | ELIF general_expression COLON EOL statement_block extended_if_clauses

# NOTE: print_statement has been removed and replaced by python 3 style function

for_statement : FOR IDENTIFIER IN general_expression COLON EOL statement_block

expr_list : general_expression
          | general_expression COMMA expr_list

general_expression : boolean_expression

boolean_expression : boolean_and_expression
                   | boolean_expression OR boolean_and_expression

boolean_and_expression : boolean_not_expression
                       | boolean_and_expression AND boolean_not_expression

boolean_not_expression : relational_expression
                       | NOT boolean_not_expression

relational_expression : expression
                      | relational_expression COMPARISON_OPERATOR expression

expression : arith_expression
           | expression '+' arith_expression
           | expression '-' arith_expression
           | expression '**' arith_expression

arith_expression : negatable_expression_atom
                 | arith_expression '*' negatable_expression_atom
                 | arith_expression '/' negatable_expression_atom

negatable_expression_atom : "-" negatable_expression_atom
                          | expression_molecule

expression_molecule : expression_atom
                    | bracketed_expression

expression_atom : value_literal
                | expression_atom '(' expr_list ')' # Function call
                | expression_atom '(' ')' # Function call, with no arguments

bracketed_expression : PARENL general_expression PARENR

value_literal : number
              | STRING
              | CHARACTER
              | BOOLEAN
              | identifiable

identifiable : IDENTIFIER
             | expression_molecule dotexpression

dotexpression : DOT IDENTIFIER

number : NUMBER
       | FLOAT
       | HEX
       | OCTAL
       | BINARY
       | LONG         (suffice is L)
       | UNSIGNEDLONG (suffice is l)
       | '-' number

Current Lexing rules used by the grammar:

NUMBER : \d+
FLOAT : \d+.\d+ # different from normal python, which allows .1 and 1.
HEX : 0x([abcdef]|\d)+
OCTAL : 0o\d+
BINARY : 0b\d+
STRING - "([^\"]|\.)*" or '([^\']|\.)*' # single/double quote strings, with escaped values
CHARACTER : c'.' /  c"." # Simplification - can be an escaped character
BOOLEAN : True|False
IDENTIFIER : [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*

The lexing supports most aspects of python - much more than this, but the grammar does not as yet use them, so this summary does not list them.


Most expressions currently rely on the C++ counterparts. As a result not all combinations which are valid are directly supported yet. Notable ones:

print statement?

Python 2 has a print statement. Python 3 doesn't. In early days of Pyxie, Pyxie supported a python 2 statement to make life easier before function calls were implemented, with a note to say that "print" as a statement would disappear.

As of 0.1.23, the print_statement has been removed. As well as being simplifying the syntax, it also means that Arudino statements like Serial.print now become legal statements.

Compilation process strategy

The compiler consists of the following parts:

Analysis phase now picks up on the use of a variable before it's definition in code. This is the start of useful error states and therefore useful error messages!

Type inference strategy

Create the node tree.


It's simple, but should work and has stopping criteria.

And can build on what we have now

Updated: October 2016
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