How will you be celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Computer?

May 30, 2008 at 06:31 PM | categories: python, oldblog | View Comments

The Small-Scale Experimental Machine, known as SSEM, or the "Baby", was designed and built at The University of Manchester, and made its first successful run of a program on June 21st 1948. It was the first machine that had all the components now classically regarded as characteristic of the basic computer. Most importantly it was the first computer that could store not only data but any (short!) user program in electronic memory and process it at electronic speed. --

We're planning a new release of Kamaelia for that day, which also co-incides with BBC Mashed (aka BBC hackday 2). The new release should include, among other things, our multicore support, basic software transactional memory, generator, thread, process based components, a variety of example applications, a revamped website (yes, it needs a lick of paint) as well as a large number of new components from improved DVB support, better pygame tools, etc.

How are you planning on celebrating the 60th anniversary ?


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